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Wind Down Services

While an entity may be closed due to financial difficulties or disputes, in many instances an entity may simply come to the end of its natural life cycle.  Funds in particular often have a fixed duration or the decision may be taken to close due to a failed strategy or failure to raise enough capital.  Whatever the reason, the decision to close down an entity or structure brings with it a particular set of challenges and considerations.

R&H Restructuring is experienced in delivering successful wind-downs and offer a flexible range of solutions which can be tailored to specific circumstances.  Our team will guide stakeholders through the final stages of an entity’s life; providing a clear, concise approach for an efficient closure process.

We have solutions to deal with a wide range of challenges faced during a wind-down, including illiquid assets, contingent creditors and the departure of a management team; we aim to ensure that matters are dealt with effectively and cost efficiently.